In my book Vanished by Meg Cabot the main character Jessica Mastriani cares more about others than herself, and that i love. She isn't self absorbed and cares more about the well being of there's than herself . The way Jessica cares for people throughout the book truly shows that sometimes , it's not all about you .
Jessica has power that is getting her all this attention of a sudden that she doesn't really need. Especially, not with her brother Douglas hearing voices and all . This she realizes and as the press come around and they start surrounding her house, it is causing Douglas's voices in his head to start up again . Jessica feels that all this attention is messing with her family so she goes away asuming that the press would follow her . That they did and Douglas was able to recover from his incident .
If it were me in this situation i too would have left so that My brother/sister could get better because hat wouldn't be fair to my family , to put them through it . I can see that in the book , Jess's family has always been behind her in everything she does. Even when they had learned that she has psychic powers they were supporting her in using them for the greater good . i feel that now family should have to suffer because of another family member.
When Jessica gives a runaway boy 10 grand because he was being abused by his father , i truly felt touched . She had only known this boy for maybe two days and she already felt like she loved him and that she couldn't let him go back to his rotten father . This shows that not only is Jessica generous , but she's caring .
This book truly show's that you should put people before your own needs and not do it because of the reward you may get, but do it because of the greatness you will feel in the end . You may feel some sort of accomplishment in what you've done and shouldn't that mean more ?
I think that it is very interesting how selfless and generous Jessica is